Starting from February 16th, COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2021/57 has come into effect, which limits the use of ammunition with lead pellets in wetlands or within a 100-meter radius of them.
Fiocchi Ammunition has expressed concerns regarding the regulation, particularly concerning the definition of “wetlands” and the restrictions on the transportation of ammunition within these areas. With the backing of associations like ANPAM, CNCN, and AFEMS, the company has sought to address these issues and is now actively working to obtain clearer guidance on the specific terms of the regulation.
Some important points:
- The regulation exclusively concerns pellet ammunition, thereby excluding rifles and dry balls (or slug rounds).
Tips for compliance with the regulation:
1. Steel pellet ammunition, which is compatible with all kinds of shotguns and chokes, can be used: specifically, within the Fiocchi range, the 12-gauge clay shooting cartridges weighing 24g and 28g (TT STEEL/F STEEL / F STEEL BIO) containing the mentioned steel pellets are suitable for medium-short ranges, such as those taken when hunting with pointing dogs.
2. Fiocchi is set to launch the Bismuth range, featuring bismuth pellets, suitable for all shotguns.
3. Additionally, the STEEL32 and STEEL35 series are available, perfect for shotguns engineered for steel pellets.
In conclusion, Fiocchi Ammunition advises caution in using cartridges with lead pellets to adhere to the new regulations and looks forward to future clarifications regarding the terms of the regulation.