The traditional celebrations in honor of Saint Barbara, patron saint and protector artillery and ammunitions, was held in Lecco on Saturday 7 December, organized by Fiocchi Munizioni to celebrate the end of the year in the best way.
The Holy Mass was followed by a party in the new ammunition loading depot of the company, where all the employees and workers gathered together with the ownership and the management.
“This event is a tradition for our company and for our family – claimed President Stefano Fiocchi – This year we’ve chosen to celebrate it in Lecco production plant to inaugurate the new loading depot”.
During the party, which was attended also by local institutions and some representatives of the Armed Service, President Stefano Fiocchi paid tribute to all the employees and collaborators, rewarding as usual those who are preparing for retirement.
“I am very keen on this day because it is not just a moment to celebrate our patron saint and the upcoming holiday season, but above all an opportunity to gather – continues the President, with a touch of emotion – Fiocchi Munizioni is really a big family, in which everyone contributes every day to the great results that the company reaches, in Italy and all over the world. A big thanks to all our collaborators, for me it is truly an honor to lead a company made up of such a special team”.