The IPSC III WorldShoot took place from May 28th to June 10th at the CNTS in Châteauroux (FRA), and just like it happened in Agna (ITA) in 2015, Fiocchi Munizioni provided the official cartridge of the competition, appearing among its most important partners. A choice that, once more, strengthen the partnership between Fiocchi and the French Shooting Federation.
“We’re extremely proud of our relationship with the French Federation,” said Marzio Maccacaro, Commercial Director of Fiocchi Munizioni. “This year, we extended our reach to practical shooting, supporting the IPSC and athletes, along with the development of venues and federal infrastructures.”
The championship, organized by the International Practical Shooting Confederation, saw Fiocchi Team bag four medals out of three different categories:
Modified Category
Teemu Rintala: overall gold
Roberto Vezzoli: overall bronze
Standard Senior Category
Rista Mika: gold medal
Open Lady Category
Irene Canetta: silver medal